Vancores along with 12Ships Participated in World Semiconductor Conference 2020

August 26-28, 2020, World Semiconductor Conference 2020&Nanjing International Semiconductor Expo( WSCE 2020, for short) was held in Nanjing International Expo Center. With the theme defined as “Open cooperation with the same core in the world”, 127 semiconductor enterprises from all over the world have participated in the conference, talking about global industrial development trends, market focus, and technology application.
Vancores along with 12Ships, a project root in the Korean market, was invited to WSCE 2020 and awarded the “Top 10 Most Popular Exhibitors” at the closing ceremony of the conference.

Vancores, as one of the Top 10 Most Popular Exhibitors, was interviewed by the media
During the conference, Vancores and Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., LTD. (TSMC), Tsinghua Unigroup, Huatian Technology, Global Unichip Corp. (GUC), and other giants in the industry share the experience, exchange the ideas, and communicate about further cooperation in the future. Meanwhile, some of the attendees got a strong interest in the blockchain business of 12Ships.

Vancores and TSMC

Vancores and HT-Tech

Some attendees asked about the business of 12Ships
Vancores was awarded “Top 10 Most Popular Exhibitors” by the government leaders of Nanjing at the closing ceremony of the conference.